Dayton Historical Society
111 West Houston St., Dayton, Texas
Tour Locations of Dayton Stars
City of Dayton
Events in this context refers to significant happenings that have impacted the citizens of Dayton positively or negatively. They are listed in reverse chronological order.
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Click on image to left of each organization for more information.
Hurricane Harvey
August 2017
The arrival of Hurricane Harvey in Texas ended a 12-year period in which there were no major hurricanes that made landfall in America. The last such event was Hurricane Wilma in 2005. The category 4 winds and storm surge caused major destruction in the Corpus Christi area as did its very slow movement up the Texas Gulf Coast from Corpus to Louisiana. The result was massive flooding from south of Corpus Christi to western Louisiana - a range of 40 to 50 inches of rain. All roads into and out of Dayton were closed as a result of flooding and many citizens suffered heavily flooded homes. The Army National Guard arrived with soldiers to help with the recovery efforts.
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