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Crossroads Military Memorial

The military memorial at the crossroad of Hwy 146 and Hwy 90 is located in front of the Stripes gas station on the southwest corner. There are five plaques - one for each branch of the U.S. Armed Forces - Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and Navy.  Each plaque states, "All Gave Some" and "Some Gave All".  Centered between the two phrases on a marble background is a round gold symbol with the name of the respective service branch. Standing in the center is a pole with the American flag. At the base of the flagpole is a stone marker that states, "Lest We Forget ... This edifice is dedicated to the men and women of the United States Military services. Never have so few done so much, for so many! September 11, 2007." It then lists the names of city officials responsible for the memorial - Steve Stephens, Mayor; Barbara Zaruba, Councilwoman; Ricky Brown, Councilman; Jay Knight, Design Architect; Haywood (Frosty) Pruitt, Mayor Pro Tem; Bill Gay, Councilman; Felix Skarpa, Councilman; and Arnold Builders, Contractor.

Linney Cemetery Military Memorial

The military memorial in Linney Cemetery is located just past the entrance where the road splits. It states, "In memory of our veterans who served with honor in all wars. Dedicated by Linney Cemetery Association."


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The memorials in Dayton for those who served in the military include:

  • Crossroads Military Memorial (Hwy 90 @ Hwy 146)

  • City Hall Military Memorial (Cook St.)

  • Linney Cemetery Military Memorial (end of Linney St.)

  • Palm Cemetery Military Memorial (Hwy 146)

  • Civic/Community Center Military Memorial (Church St.)


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